Investigation of Ethnocentric Trends in Food Consumption in Terms of Demographic Variables

Gıda Tüketiminde Etnosentrik Eğilimlerin Demografik Değişkenler Bakımından İncelenmesi


  • Sait BARDAKÇI Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi
  • Rüveyda Betül TURANOĞLU SivasCumhuriyet University


Ethnocentrism, Consumer Ethnocentrism, Purchasing Behavior, Food Products


This study was conducted to investigate the variability of ethnocentric tendencies in terms of demographic factors in food product purchases of consumers living in Sivas province. Consumer ethnocentrism was measured using the CETSCALE developed by Shimp and Sharma (1987), which evaluates individuals' tendencies to prefer domestic products. The variability of consumer ethnocentrism according to demographic factors such as gender, age, education level, marital status, employment status, working sector and income level was examined. The Turkish version of the CETSCALE was applied as a survey form to 514 participants selected through convenience sampling and voluntary participation among consumers residing in Sivas. The survey was used as a 7-point Likert type in accordance with the original. Data were collected face to face and online, and the data obtained was analyzed in IBM SPSS 23.0 program. The findings revealed that consumers' ethnocentrism tendencies differ significantly according to age, education level and working status. There was no significant difference in terms of gender, marital status, sector of employment and income level. This study constitutes an important resource for businesses operating in the food industry in understanding consumer ethnocentrism and developing effective marketing strategies accordingly.


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How to Cite

BARDAKÇI, S., & TURANOĞLU, R. B. (2024). Investigation of Ethnocentric Trends in Food Consumption in Terms of Demographic Variables: Gıda Tüketiminde Etnosentrik Eğilimlerin Demografik Değişkenler Bakımından İncelenmesi. Journal of Quantitative Research in Social Sciences, 4(1), 1–18. Retrieved from