A Quantitative Method Proposal for Sociological Research: Exploratory Data Analysis

A Quantitative Method Proposal for Sociological Research: Exploratory Data Analysis


  • Atilla Aydın İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi


Sociology, , Exploratory data analysis, Stem leaf, Quintuple summary,, Quintuple summary, Box plot


Exploratory data analysis techniques provide healthy information about the structure of the data. The models to be established within this framework will be more reliable and give more accurate results. Qualitative variables are generally used in sociology research. The aim of this study is to promote the use of quantitative variables in sociology studies. It is possible to analyze the data compiled in all scale types with the interrogative data analysis techniques. The proposal to apply these techniques in sociology research forms the basis of this study. For this purpose, an application was made using Turkey's divorce data in the study and the techniques were discussed in a wide framework. The research questions obtained in the application were included and suggestions were made on how to expand the scope of the studies.


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How to Cite

Aydın, A. (2022). A Quantitative Method Proposal for Sociological Research: Exploratory Data Analysis: A Quantitative Method Proposal for Sociological Research: Exploratory Data Analysis. Journal of Quantitative Research in Social Sciences, 2(2), 163–179. Retrieved from https://sobinarder.com/index.php/sbd/article/view/38