A Study on the Translation and Consolidation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements into National Currency


  • İsrafil ZOR Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
  • Ayşe ÖKDEM Kırıkkale Üniversitesi


Consolidation, Consolidated Financial Statements, Elimination, Translation Methods


Today, businesses aiming for continuous growth are entering into relationships with other businesses operating in countries other than their own country in order to create a union of forces. For this purpose, the number and market share of businesses operating in many countries is constantly increasing. In order to survive, such enterprises resort to mergers or acquire a significant share of the enterprises in another country and take control of the enterprise in another country. By resorting to such avenues, enterprises expand their fields of activity, increase their share in the sector, have easier access to resources and reduce their risks.The transformation of businesses into interrelated businesses in such ways; The need to unify financial statements prepared in different countries, in different languages and in different currencies and to establish a common financial reporting language. Preparation of consolidated financial statements as a single financial statement will guide the decisions to be taken by the owners, managers, employees, creditors, etc. of the parent company.In our study; Firstly, the issue of consolidated financial statements is discussed, then the issue of translation of foreign currency financial statements is addressed and finally, with a sample application, both translation and consolidation of translated financial statements are explained with the full consolidation method. As a result of the study, it has been concluded that there is a need to improve the regulations made in both standards and legislation on consolidation, and to make new standards and legislative arrangements for implementation.


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TFRS 10- Konsolide Finansal Tablolar

TMS 28- İştiraklerdeki ve İş Ortaklıklarındaki Yatırımlar



How to Cite

ZOR, İsrafil, & ÖKDEM, A. (2023). A Study on the Translation and Consolidation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements into National Currency. Journal of Quantitative Research in Social Sciences, 3(1), 23–42. Retrieved from https://sobinarder.com/index.php/sbd/article/view/53